User case: Kyoto University x Argolight
We spoke with Associate Professor Terai and doctoral student Mr. Watanabe from the Department of Frontier Life Sciences at Kyoto University, Japan to get their firsthand experience using Argolight slides.
Quality Control of HCS-HTS Fluorescence Imaging Systems
In the landscape of high-content screening (HCS) and high-throughput screening (HTS) fluorescence imaging systems, precision and reliability take center stage. We introduce Argolight’s innovative solutions to monitor and optimize fluorescence HCS imaging system performance.
Precision Partners: Innopsys and Argolight on the InnoQuant Slide Scanners
In the intricate realm of pathology, drug discovery, and advanced research in brain function, cancer, and stem cells, the role of slide scanners has become increasingly pivotal....
Lordil Microscopy announces the first quality control service using Argolight products.
Lordil Microscopy ( announces the first quality control service using Argolight products. This innovative service is offered through a partnership with Argolight...
Quality control at MiFoBio 2021: what you may have missed
Since the last session in 2018, the MiFoBio regulars were waiting for its return after Covid-19. After three years of absence, MiFoBio multidisciplinary school has gathered again...
Daybook account
Why do I need a Daybook account? From December 1st, 2021, you will be asked to create a free account to use Daybook 3. If you are a Daybook Quality Control plan user (the...
Fluorescent calibration slides now 100% more intense
Advancing technology for microscopes calibration Argolight's previous calibration slide generation have been released 5 years ago. Luckily, the microscopy community does like to...
EmPOWERing users – Argolight new range of power meter with calibration slides
In April 2019, Argolight launched the Argo-POWERHM, a slide-format power-meter that comes with an Argolight glass with the Argo-HM patterns. Since then, many users sent requests...
[Customer’s review] They tried the second generation of calibration slides
Launching a new generation This post is part of a series of events, around the launch of the new generation of Argolight calibrations slides. The next article will present the...
How does Confocal NL use Argo-SIM to demonstrate the improved lateral resolution of their Confocal microscope?
Demonstrating performance of new products and technologies can be difficult. Here we are presenting the case of, a manufacturer of super-resolution microscopes modules, which used an Argo-SIM to demonstrate its lateral resolution enhanced system.
[HOW TO] How to troubleshoot an intensity response issue of a fluorescence microscope?
Ever heard "My sample looks less intense. There must be something wrong with your microscope."? It is a recurring topic, especially in Imaging Core Facilities, where users come...
Register to our webinar on Intensity Response
How to troubleshoot the intensity response of your microscope? (Webinar) "My sample looks less intense. Is there something wrong with your microscope?" Even heard the question?...
“Should I focus when measuring illumination power?” Microscope experts questions
After our webinar "How to display live illumination power on your computer", based on the Argo-POWERHM device, we discussed some questions with microscopists and experts. How do...
How to measure lateral and axial resolution following ISO 21073 and early QUAREP
The Resolution Series This post is part of a three-event series on PSF and resolution. First part is titled "Why do you do PSF : 3 Experts testimonies", this is second part and...
Why do you do PSF? How often do you do PSF? Three microscope experts testimonies (Resolution series)
The Resolution Series This post is part of a three-event series on PSF and resolution. Next week another article will be available “How to measure lateral and axial resolution...
Argo-POWER: How to… display live power measurement and more
The Argo-POWERHM offers many ways to monitor the illumination power of fluorescence microscopes. With the integration in Daybook Analysis, live illumination can be displayed in...
How to use the Point Spread Function (PSF) analysis in Daybook (Webinar)
How to use the Point Spread Function (PSF) analysis in Daybook (Webinar) During this webinar, Gautier PAPON from Argolight, will present the new PSF analysis feature of...
Customer Story: Routine and challenges of a microscopy unit
We visited a long-time customer who leads a microscopy unit in a non-profit research organization. We discussed life in the facility and the challenges in managing a...
Using fluorescent plastic slides to measure field uniformity
You may be familiar with the fluorescent plastic slides that are handed out during trade shows. As they are easy to use, they are often employed to measure the field uniformity...
Customer Story: Quality Control in tissue diagnostics
We have interviewed one of our first customers, who works in pharmaceutical diagnostics. He provided great insights into some of the concerns in the field. We will call him John...
Acknowledgement of Core Facilities in scientific publications
Contributions to scientific output is key metric for core facility management, as it allows to get funding, grants, and to ensure continuous high standards of operations. That is...
How often should we perform QC on fluorescence microscopes?
Would it still be ‘quality control’ if a microscope was checked only once a year? We’ve discussed the reasons to perform quality control on fluorescence microscopes. Time should...
How to estimate the cost of 1-hour of microscope use?
Facility Managers are professionals of many skills, their work requires them to master scientific concepts and to manage a business-like unit. Let’s review some helpful tips to evaluate the cost of 1-hour of microscope use.
Microscopy facilities: resuming operations after Covid-19
Some of the core facilities have started to resume work, gradually finding how to function in these specific circumstances of pandemic. Many institutions and research groups have published guidelines and information to help laboratories to adapt and find suited methods.
6 must-read articles about Quality Control in fluorescence microscopy
Quality control is a popular topic on the fluorescence microscopy field and is at the heart of the topic of quantitative microscopy and replication crisis (read the article...
Core Facility Management: collection of scientific articles
Running a microscopy facility requires many skills. It is becoming similar to running a small business, but with a staff actually trying to advance science. Here is an overview of articles related to some of these daily matters.
The must-have tool: good beats to process data or write papers at home
When we spend an afternoon analyzing batch of data, or when we write a scientific article, there’s a precious asset to have: good music! Here is our "tested and approved"...
Replication Crisis: The scientific Replication and Reproducibility Under the Microscope
For years, a growing alarm has been building up about results that cannot be reproduced because of scientific method. The replication crisis, pinpointed around 2010, focus on the...
New standards about Confocal microscopes optical data: what’s in the ISO 21073:2019?
An ISO about Optical data of fluorescence confocal microscopes for biological imaging has been released in December 2019. 15 pages dedicated to image performance in confocal...
Empowering team science: 3 things you may have missed during ABRF 2020
Over 860 people, coming from genomics, imaging or proteomics fields, have met to collaborate and to open a discussion between core leadership, technology and scientific research,...
Quality control: What is it and why should we perform it?
Quality control is a popular topic on the fluorescence microscopy field, and often mistaken with calibration. In fluorescence imaging, and more importantly in life science...
Medical diagnostics certification: how to secure the quality control of a new method?
Interview with The laboratory of Hematology of Marseille hospitalsThe laboratory of Hematology of Marseille hospitals (Assistance Publique Hopitaux de Marseille, AP-HM), located...
Argolight goes to space
Story created with Gautier Papon, Argolight's CEOTwo years ago, our small company was contacted by a NASA contractor to supply our product to equip the International Space...