Widefield, Super-Resolution,
Confocal microscope calibration* slides


Argolight calibration* slides are designed to be used with widefield, confocal and super-resolution fluorescence microscopes. You can use the products for troubleshooting, proactive maintenance, preventive maintenance or even predictive maintenance.

These products act as calibration standards: they provide reference fluorescent patterns with stable and precise features.

Draw of a person with a clock beside a microscope

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Calibration* devices for fluorescence microscopes

List of products (click on pictures for more details)

ArgoPOWER LM V2 Calibration slide with power meter

Fluorescent calibration* slide with integrated power meter – best for low magnification systems, such  such as Widefield microscopes.

ArgoPOWER HM V2 Calibration slide with power meter

Fluorescent calibration* slide with integrated power meter – best for high magnification systems, such as confocal microscopes.

ArgoPOWER SIM V2 Calibration slide with power meter

Fluorescent calibration* slide with integrated power meter – best for algorithm-based high resolution systems, such as SIM microscopes.

Image of Argo-SIM, a fluorescent calibration slide for SIM microscopes

Improved fluorescent calibration* slide for super-resolution systems, such as SIM microscopes.

Image of Argo-HM, a fluorescent calibration slide for High magnification systems

Improved fluorescent calibration* slide for high magnification systems, such as confocal microscopes.

Image of Argo-LM, a fluorescent calibration slide for Low magnification systems

Improved fluorescent calibration* slide for for low magnification systems, such as widefield microscopes.

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Custom fluorescent calibration* slide (OEM and single product)

Argolight slides are designed to be used with the Daybook software to obtain the most relevant results regarding the quality of your microscope.
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