Release notes
Find all the release notes from the previous software updates and see the related versions.
October, 30 2024 – Major & critical update
Critical updates must be downloaded through the website.
Daybook 4
- new version 4.2.0
- improved An advanced security measure has been set-up. To ensure the best security level possible, previous releases of the Daybook 4 software are now obsolete and must be replaced by this one.
- improved The application uptime and availability has been enhanced.
Daybook Analysis
- new version 2.0.0.
- CHANGED IN ALGORITHM WITH IMPACT ON RESULTS In the “Field uniformity” analysis, the calculation formula of the low-pass filter cut-off frequency has been modified. The analysis results are now independent of the image size (in px) and lateral pixel size (in µm/px).
- improved In the “Field uniformity” analysis, a third method of intensity measurement in each ring’s ROI is available. Users can now either select the maximum intensity value, the mean intensity value, or the average of the 5 % most intense pixels.
- CHANGED IN ALGORITHM WITH IMPACT ON RESULTS In the “Lateral resolution” analysis, the calculation of the SBR and SNR metrics has been modified so that their value cannot exceed the maximum intensity value in the image.
- improved In the “Lateral resolution” analysis, the algorithm identifying the order of group of lines is now more robust.
- improved In the “Lateral resolution” analysis, the “Redo” button is now working again.
- improved In the “Optical sectioning strength” analysis, the algorithm for crosses detection has been improved.
- new In the “Field uniformity” and “Uniformity of field” analyses, a new button “Save raw map” has been added, allowing to save the raw map, useful to correct the microscope field non-uniformity.
- improved The “Best focus selection” option has been improved and is now more robust to post-acquisition processed images.
- improved In the “Single analysis” interface and in the results page, the zoom feature in images has been improved. It is now possible to perform rectangular zoom.
- improved In the “Single analysis” interface, the display of the histogram has been improved.
- new In the “Batch analysis” interface, a new button “Select all / Deselect all” has been added.
- improved In the “Batch analysis” feature, the “background subtraction” is now more robust.
- improved Fixed issues and bugs within the display.
Daybook Data Manager
- new version 2.0.0
- new In the monitoring page, the failed analyses are now displayed in the timeline, and their associated error messages listing the possible causes of failure available as tooltips.
- improved The display of the images in the monitoring page is now faster thanks to an optimization of resources allocation.
- improved Fixed issues and bugs within the timeline display.
June, 03 2024 – Minor update
Daybook 4
- new version 4.1.0
Daybook Analysis
- new version 1.11.0.
- improved The Java version has been updated from 9 to 17.
- improved The “Batch analysis” feature has been reworked and is now faster and more efficient.
- improved The “Redo” button is accessible again in the “Lateral resolution” analysis. Users can change some settings of the analysis directly from the results page and relaunch the analysis without doing the whole workflow again.
- improved In the “Lateral resolution” analysis, the algorithm now detects some errors that were previously not detected.
- improved In the “Field uniformity” and “Uniformity of field” analyses, the intensity values display on the color bars of the heat maps has been improved.
- improved In the “Intensity response” analysis, the “Compare intensity response” feature is accessible again. Users can compare two intensity responses between them.
- improved In the “Power meter” analysis, the tables display in the PDF report has been improved.
- improved In the “Field distortion” and “Lateral co-registration accuracy” analyses, the computation of the “orientation entropy” metric is now more robust.
- improved Fixed issues and bugs within the display.
Daybook Data Manager
- changed version 1.7.2
- new In the monitoring page, a quality point result can now be displayed directly by clicking on the timeline.
- improved Fixed issues and bugs within the timeline display.
March, 13 2024 – Minor update
Daybook 4
- new version 4.0.1
- improved Upgraded security.
Daybook Analysis
- new version 1.10.1.
- improved In the “Field uniformity” analysis, the selection between two methods of intensity measurement in each ring’s ROI is once again available. Users can either select the maximum intensity value or the mean intensity value.
- changed in algorithm with impact on results The “Field distortion” analysis has been improved for images of the “field of rings” pattern in which some rings are very close to the edges.
- changed in algorithm with impact on results In the “Field uniformity”, “Field distortion” and “Lateral co-registration accuracy” analyses, the rings detection of the “field of rings” pattern has been improved.
- changed in algorithm with impact on results The “Accuracy of 3D reconstruction” analysis has been greatly improved. It is now much more robust to image quality issues.
- improved The saving of the results of the analysis “Spectral response” into the database is now working correctly.
- improved The trajectory maps have been visually improved in the analyses related to the stages (“Stage repositioning repeatability”, “Stage drift during timelapse” and “Stage drift during Z-stacking”).
- improved The “log” and “logs” folders have been fused into a single folder “logs”.
- improved The “detector bit depth” metadata now returns the right value.
- improved The running time of the analyses is now measured. After one minute of processing, the analysis will stop if it has not provided results, to avoid unnecessary waiting time for the users.
- changed in algorithm with impact on results The calculation of the “coefficient of variation” primary metric in the analysis “Unifomity of field” has been corrected.
- improved Fixed issues when selecting the product “Argo-SIM”.
- improved Fixed issues related to the setting of folder paths in the settings panel.
- improved Fixed issues and bugs.
- improved Updated and completed documentation.
Daybook Data Manager
- changed version 1.7.1
- new Three new pre-created systems have been added: the Dragonfly from Andor, the InnoQuant from Innopsys, and the Mira from Leica.
- improved Fixed issues and bugs.
- improved Updated and completed documentation.
January, 04 2024 – Release of Daybook 4
Daybook 4
- new version 4.0.0
- new New version of Daybook: your database is now online linked to your account. Connect to your account and access your database from everywhere!
- new Upgraded security: your account details and database are now encrypted.
- new New loader when a file or an update is downloading.
- improved Improvements of error messages: they are now more comprehensive.
- improved Reorganization of trial image files: now sorted by Daybook Analysis version.
- improved All libraries used by the software have been updated.
Daybook Analysis
- new version 1.10.0.
- new New additional metrics: uncertainties.
- new New choice to save the results: save results either online into your database or locally on your computer.
- new Results can now be saved into a JSON file, on top of a CSV file.
- changed in algorithm with impact on results The analysis “Accuracy of co-registration” has been improved: the calculation of the metric “tz” is now more accurate.
- improved In the analyses “Field uniformity”, “Field distortion” and “Lateral co-registration accuracy”, the rotation correction and rings detection of the “field of rings” pattern has been improved.
- changed in algorithm with impact on results The calculation of the SNR in the analysis “lateral resolution” is now more accurate.
- improved In the analysis “Optical sectioning strength”, the detection of the crosses has been greatly improved.
- improved Fixed issues and bugs.
- improved Updated and completed documentation.
Daybook Data Manager
- new version 1.7.0
- new New timeline display: it is now possible to zoom within a period on the timeline graph.
- new The display options of the reports are now saved with your account, they can be retrieved from any computer.
- new New graph library: you can now zoom in and see raw data.
- new Add options to save images, tables and graphs.
- new Upload analysis: you can now complete your database by uploading the results file from another computer or from an offline computer.
- new Five new pre-created systems have been added: the AX-AXR from Nikon, the Eclipe-Ji from Nikon, the BC43 from Andor, the FV4000 from Evident, and the Stellaris from Leica.
- new Verified security: charging data is completely secure and anonymous.
- new New documentation: updated and completed.
July, 27 2023 – Minor update
Daybook 3
- unchanged version 1.6.7.
Daybook Analysis
- new version 1.9.5.
- changed in algorithm with impact on results The option “hot pixels removal” has been improved: their detection is more efficient and their intensity is replaced by the average value of their 8 neighbouring pixels.
- changed in algorithm with impact on results The option “best focus selection” has been improved: it selects now the most slice that has the most intense pixels mean, rather than the slice that has the most intense pixel.
- changed in algorithm with impact on results The detection of the rings in the pattern “field of rings” has been improved when the “field of rings” is rotated in the image.
- changed in algorithm with impact on results The initialization of the fit in the analysis “lateral resolution” has been improved: post-acquisition processed images (via deconvolution, SIM reconstruction, etc.) that could not be processed before can now be.
- changed in algorithm with impact on results The calculation of the measurement uncertainties of the line spacings in the analysis “lateral resolution” is now based both on the lateral pixel size and the SNR.
- changed in algorithm with impact on results A filter affecting very slightly the measurement has been removed in the analysis “optical sectioning strength”.
- improved The display of the image histograms has been improved.
- improved Some acquisition recommendations tables have been updated in the interface “Single analysis”.
- improved The saving of the results via the buttons “Export metrics (CSV)” and “Export results page” are now working again.
- improved The average power value of 0.001 mW is now allowed in the tool “Photometric calculator”.
- improved Fixed minor issues and bugs.
- improved Updated and completed documentation.
Daybook Data Manager
- unchanged version 1.6.7.
Daybook API*
- unchanged version 1.3.10.
* This API allows Daybook Data Manager to read the results of Daybook Analysis that are saved in the database.
April, 11 2023 – Minor update
Daybook 3
- unchanged version 1.6.7.
Daybook Analysis
- new version 1.9.4.
- improved The measurement uncertainties and the error bars associated with the intensity values of the level indices were switched in the analysis “intensity response 2×16”. This issue is now corrected.
- improved The detection of the rings in the pattern “field of rings” has been improved in the analyses “field uniformity”, “field distortion” and “lateral co-registration accuracy”. Rings that could not be detected in noisy images can now be.
- improved Fixed minor issues and bugs.
- improved Updated and completed documentation.
Daybook Data Manager
- unchanged version 1.6.7.
Daybook API*
- unchanged version 1.3.10.
* This API allows Daybook Data Manager to read the results of Daybook Analysis that are saved in the database.
March, 16 2023 – Minor update
Daybook 3
- unchanged version 1.6.7.
Daybook Analysis
- new version 1.9.3.
- improved The measurement of the time in the graph “Measured optical power vs acquisition duration” in the power meter interface is now accurate.
- improved An input “integration time”, associated to “sampling period”, has been added in the power meter interface
- improved Some elements (size, names, etc.) in the power meter interface have been improved.
- improved The algorithm behind the option “hot pixels removal” has been improved.
- improved The algorithm used in the analysis “Intensity response” to detect the “A” symbol of the “4×4 intensity gradation” pattern has been improved.
- improved The initialization of the fit in the analysis “lateral resolution” has been improved.
- improved The calculation of the transformation parameters in the analysis “lateral co-registration accuracy” is more consistent with the one in the analysis “field distortion”.
- improved Fixed minor issues and bugs.
- improved Updated and completed documentation.
Daybook Data Manager
- new version 1.6.7.
- improved Updated and completed documentation.
Daybook API*
- unchanged version 1.3.10.
* This API allows Daybook Data Manager to read the results of Daybook Analysis that are saved in the database.
November, 16 2022 – Minor update
Daybook 3
- new version 1.6.7.
Daybook Analysis
- new version 1.9.2.
- improved A bug in the analysis “lateral co-registration accuracy” when used in the “batch analysis” has been corrected.
- improved The manual mode of the analysis “intensity response” is now working again.
- improved The right-clicking options in the images of the results pages are now accessible again.
- improved The acquisition date in the “single analysis” and “batch analysis” interfaces is now displayed again.
- improved The initialization of the fitting has been improved in the analysis “lateral resolution”.
- improved The detection of the rings in the analyses “field uniformity”, “field distortion” and “lateral co-registration accuracy” has been improved.
- improved The detection of the A of the “4×4 intensity gradation” pattern used in the analysis “intensity response” has been improved.
- improved The “stage repositioning repeatability” and “stage drift during timelapse” analyses now provide similar results, independently of whether the analyzed images are cropped or not.
- improved Fixed issues and bugs.
- improved Updated and completed documentation.
Daybook Data Manager
- unchanged version 1.6.6.
Daybook API*
- unchanged version 1.3.10.
* This API allows Daybook Data Manager to read the results of Daybook Analysis that are saved in the database.
September, 29 2022 – Minor update
Daybook 3
- new version 1.6.6.
Daybook Analysis
- new version 1.9.1.
- new New tool “image quality evaluator” to evaluate the quality of images according to several basic parameters.
- new New button “export results page” to save the results page as an image.
- new The metadata of the images have been completed, renamed to be more explicit, and organized in several relevant categories; they can be viewed in an external window and saved as a JSON file. This impacts the number and the order of the metadata displayed in the CSV result files.
- improved The Yokogawa Cell Voyager image reader has been improved.
- improved The structure of the following interfaces has been improved: “single analysis”, “batch analysis”, “power meter”, “photometric calculator” and “results pages”.
- improved Some corrections have been made in the results pages related to the “stage repositioning repeatability”, “stage drift during timelapse” and “stage drift during Z-stacking” analyses.
- improved A level has been added in the color bars of the heat maps in the “field distortion” and “lateral co-registration accuracy” analyses.
- improved The orthogonal views have been improved.
- improved The zoom in the images has been improved; it is now more user friendly.
- improved The calculation of standard deviations in all the analyses has been harmonized, using the factor 1/(n-1) everywhere, instead of 1/n.
- improved The calculation of the error bars in the “Intensity response 2×16” is now more accurate.
- improved The calculation of the “geometric distortion rate” primary metric in the “field distortion” analysis has been improved.
- improved The size of the ROIs around the rings in the analysis “field uniformity” has been harmonized between the similar types of slide, without any impact on the results.
- improved The analysis “stage drift during timelapse” now works with T-stacks only.
- improved The analysis “stage repositioning repeatability” now works with any type of stack.
- improved A bug in the “point spread function” when used in the “batch analysis” has been corrected.
- improved A bug in the “optical sectioning strength” when used in the “batch analysis” has been corrected.
- improved A bug in the “lateral resolution” when used in the “batch analysis” has been corrected.
- improved Fixed issues and bugs.
- improved Updated and completed documentation.
Daybook Data Manager
- unchanged version 1.6.6.
Daybook API*
- unchanged version 1.3.10.
* This API allows Daybook Data Manager to read the results of Daybook Analysis that are saved in the database.
May, 20 2022 – Minor update
Daybook 3
- unchanged version 1.6.5.
Daybook Analysis
- unchanged version 1.9.0.
Daybook Data Manager
- unchanged version 1.6.6.
Daybook API*
- unchanged version 1.3.10.
* This API allows Daybook Data Manager to read the results of Daybook Analysis that are saved in the database.
May, 19 2022 – Minor update
Daybook 3
- new version 1.6.5.
- improved Improved performance and stability.
Daybook Analysis
- new version 1.9.0.
- new New button to display the image metadata in the “single analysis” window.
- new New image of the extracted rings in the “field uniformity” results page.
- new New image histogram and intensity range indicator in the “single analysis” window.
- improved Reorganization of the “single analysis” and “batch analysis” windows.
- improved User interface and experience improvements.
- changed in algorithm with impact on results Split of the “stage motion control” analysis into the two analyses it previously contained: “stage repositioning repeatability” and “stage drift during timelapse”.
- improved Update of Bio-Formats library to version 6.9.0.
- improved Fixed issues and bugs.
- improved Updated and completed documentation.
Daybook Data Manager
- new version 1.6.6.
- new New default threshold template of the timeline for confocal spinning-disk microscopes.
- improved Optimization of the size of the images in the “monitoring” page for an optimized display.
- improved Fixed issues and bugs.
- improved Updated and completed documentation.
Daybook API*
- unchanged version 1.3.10.
* This API allows Daybook Data Manager to read the results of Daybook Analysis that are saved in the database.
March, 17 2022 – Minor update
Daybook 3
- new version 1.6.4.
- improved Improved performance and stability.
Daybook Analysis
- new version 1.8.14.
- improved Improvement of the detection of the “A” mark of the “4×4 intensity gradation” pattern in the “intensity response” analysis.
- improved Fixed issues and bugs.
- improved Updated and completed documentation.
Daybook Data Manager
- new version 1.6.5.
- improved Visual improvements on the “Monitoring” page.
- improved Visual improvements on the “line chart” cards.
- improved Fixed issues and bugs.
- improved Updated and completed documentation.
Daybook API*
- unchanged version 1.3.10.
* This API allows Daybook Data Manager to read the results of Daybook Analysis that are saved in the database.
March, 02 2022 – Minor update
Daybook 3
- new version 1.6.3.
- new You can now copy and paste your licence number in your account.
- improved Improved performance and stability.
Daybook Analysis
- new version 1.8.13.
- new New “Uniformity of field” analysis, to process ‘homogeneous specimen’ images.
- new New “Accuracy of co-registration” analysis, to process ‘multi-labeled object’ images.
- changed in algorithm with impact on results Complete refactor of the “Lateral co-registration accuracy” analysis: new primary metrics “Manders overlap coefficient”, visual corrections and improvements.
- improved Fixed issues and bugs.
- improved Updated and completed documentation.
Daybook Data Manager
- new version 1.6.4.
- new New pre-created system: Zeiss LSM 980.
- improved Improved “line chart” cards.
- improved Fixed issues and bugs.
- improved Updated and completed documentation.
Daybook API*
- new version 1.3.10.
* This API allows Daybook Data Manager to read the results of Daybook Analysis that are saved in the database.
January, 17 2022 – Minor update
Daybook 3
- new version 1.6.2.
- new Windows certificate: Daybook is now recognized by Windows operating systems, when launching the installation.
- improved Improved performance and stability.
Daybook Analysis
- new version 1.8.12.
- new New primary metric in the “Lateral resolution” analysis : SBR (Signal-to-Background Ratio).
- new New primary metric in the “Intensity response” analysis : Coefficient of determination.
- changed Update of Bio-Formats library to version 6.8.0.
- changed Update of Log4j library to version 2.16.0.
- improved Fixed issues and bugs.
- improved Updated and completed documentation.
Daybook Data Manager
- new version 1.6.3.
- improved Improved user interface on the “Systems” page. It now allows to create or modify imaging systems more intuitively.
- improved Fixed issues and bugs.
- improved Updated and completed documentation.
Daybook API*
- new version 1.3.9.
* This API allows Daybook Data Manager to read the results of Daybook Analysis that are saved in the database.
December, 07 2021 – Minor update
Daybook 3
- new version 1.6.1.
Daybook Analysis
- new version 1.8.11.
- improved Fixed issues and bugs.
- improved Updated and completed documentation.
Daybook Data Manager
- new version 1.6.2.
- improved Fixed issues in the timeline configuration.
- improved Fixed issues and bugs.
- improved Updated and completed documentation.
Daybook API*
- unchanged version 1.3.8.
* This API allows Daybook Data Manager to read the results of Daybook Analysis that are saved in the database.
December, 01 2021 – Minor update
Daybook 3
- new version 1.6.0.
- new New account system: you now need to login to access to Daybook.
- improved Improved performance and stability.
Daybook Analysis
- new version 1.8.10.
- new All the analyses can now be run through the “batch analysis” feature.
- changed in algorithm with impact on results Improvement of the “optical sectioning strength” analysis through the “best focus selection” option.
- improved Fixed issues and bugs.
- improved Updated and completed documentation.
Daybook Data Manager
- new version 1.6.1.
- improved Improved user interface allowing to set the tolerance thresholds in the timeline.
- improved Fixed issues and bugs.
- improved Updated and completed documentation.
Daybook API*
- new version 1.3.8.
* This API allows Daybook Data Manager to read the results of Daybook Analysis that are saved in the database.
November, 03 2021 – Minor update
Daybook 3
- unchanged version 1.5.9.
Daybook Analysis
- new version 1.8.9.
- changed in algorithm with impact on results Improved “Lateral resolution” and “Optical sectioning strength” analysis: improved precision of the results.
Daybook Data Manager
- unchanged version 1.6.0.
Daybook API*
- unchanged version 1.3.7.
* This API allows Daybook Data Manager to read the results of Daybook Analysis that are saved in the database.
October, 19 2021 – Minor update
Daybook 3
- unchanged version 1.5.9.
Daybook Analysis
- new version 1.8.8.
- changed in algorithm with impact on results Improved “Field distortion” analysis: improved precision of the results.
Daybook Data Manager
- unchanged version 1.6.0.
Daybook API*
- unchanged version 1.3.7.
* This API allows Daybook Data Manager to read the results of Daybook Analysis that are saved in the database.
September, 30 2021 – Critical update
Daybook 3 needs to be installed from the EXE file. You do not need to uninstall your previous version of Daybook, it will be done automatically. Your database will be kept.
Daybook 3
- new version 1.5.9.
- improved Improved performance and stability.
Daybook Analysis
- new version 1.8.7.
- new New analysis “optical sectioning strength”, associated with the pattern “matrix of crosses”.
- new New interface “photometric calculator”.
- new New products in the product list: Argo-POWERSIM and Argo-POWERLM.
- changed Update of Bio-Formats library to version 6.7.0.
- improved Size of the CSV result files reduced.
- improved Fixed issues and bugs.
- improved Updated and completed documentation.
Daybook Data Manager
- new version 1.6.0.
- new New user interface for the edition of reports.
- new New documentation for the edition of reports.
- new New “start guide” documentation.
- improved Fixed issues and bugs.
- improved Updated and completed documentation.
Daybook API*
- new version 1.3.7.
* This API allows Daybook Data Manager to read the results of Daybook Analysis that are saved in the database.
September, 2 2021 – Minor update
Daybook 3
- unchanged version 1.5.8.
Daybook Analysis
- new version 1.8.6.
- improved Fix issues with Argo-Power.
Daybook Data Manager
- unchanged version 1.5.10.
Daybook API*
- unchanged version 1.3.6.
* This API allows Daybook Data Manager to read the results of Daybook Analysis that are saved in the database.
July, 27 2021 – Minor update
Daybook 3
- new version 1.5.8.
- improved Improved performance and stability.
Daybook Analysis
- new version 1.8.5.
- new New user interface for the power meter.
- improved Fixed issues and bugs.
- improved Updated and completed documentation.
Daybook Data Manager
- new version 1.5.10.
- new New user interface for the edition of reports (still in beta mode).
- improved Improved PDF reports.
- improved Fixed issues and bugs.
- improved Updated and completed documentation.
Daybook API*
- new version 1.3.6.
* This API allows Daybook Data Manager to read the results of Daybook Analysis that are saved in the database.
June, 28 2021 – Minor update
Daybook 3
- unchanged version 1.5.7.
- improved Improved performance and stability.
Daybook Analysis
- new version 1.8.4.
- changed in algorithm with impact on results Improved “Lateral resolution” analysis: improved precision of the results.
- changed in algorithm with impact on results Improved “Line spread function” analysis: improved precision of the results.
- changed in algorithm with impact on results Improved “Ring spread function” analysis: improved precision of the results.
- changed in algorithm with impact on results Improved “Point spread function” analysis: improved precision of the results.
- improved Updated and completed documentation.
Daybook Data Manager
- new version 1.5.9.
- improved Fixed issues and bugs.
- improved Updated and completed documentation.
Daybook API*
- unchanged version 1.3.5.
* This API allows Daybook Data Manager to read the results of Daybook Analysis that are saved in the database.
June, 10 2021 – Minor update
Daybook 3
- unchanged version 1.5.7.
- improved Improved performance and stability.
Daybook Analysis
- new version 1.8.3.
- new New dialog box showing the analyses are being processed.
- new Now includes a driver allowing to fix the connexion issues of the Argo-POWER USB port.
- changed in algorithm with impact on results Improved “Field uniformity” analysis: improved ring detection in noisy images.
- changed in algorithm with impact on results Improved “Lateral resolution” analysis: the analysis now works better on noisy images.
- improved Updated and completed documentation.
Daybook Data Manager
- new version 1.5.8.
- improved Fixed issues and bugs.
- improved Updated and completed documentation.
Daybook API*
- unchanged version 1.3.5.
* This API allows Daybook Data Manager to read the results of Daybook Analysis that are saved in the database.
May, 20 2021 – Minor update
Daybook 3
- new version 1.5.7.
- improved Improved performance and stability.
Daybook Analysis
- new version 1.8.2.
- new New “Image quality” documentation.
- changed in algorithm with impact on results Improved “Field Distortion” analysis: improved ring detection, new metric “geometric distortion rate”.
- changed in algorithm with impact on results Improved “Lateral resolution” analysis: improved precision of the results.
- improved Updated and completed documentation.
Daybook Data Manager
- new version 1.5.7.
- new Improved “line chart” graphs: improved style, new statistics. It’s now possible to zoom within the line charts, and to scale the ordinate axis.
- improved Fixed issues in the report edition.
- improved Fixed issues and bugs.
- improved Updated and completed documentation.
Daybook API*
- new version 1.3.5.
* This API allows Daybook Data Manager to read the results of Daybook Analysis that are saved in the database.
Mar, 16 2021 – Minor update
Daybook 3
- unchanged version 1.5.6.
Daybook Analysis
- new version 1.8.1.
- changed The size of all graphs in the software has been homogenized.
- changed Fixed issue on reports: reports data is now activated by default.
- changed Fixed issue in the settings panel : the selection of the title is now disactivated.
- improved Improved graphs in “Accuracy of 3D reconstruction” analysis.
- changed in algorithm with impact on results Improved “Lateral resolution” analysis.
- changed in algorithm with impact on results Improved “Line spread function”, “Ring spread function” and “Point spread function” analyses.
- improved Fixed issues on preferences file loading.
- improved Updated and completed documentation.
Daybook Data Manager
- unchanged version 1.5.6.
Daybook API*
- unchanged version 1.3.4.
* This API allows Daybook Data Manager to read the results of Daybook Analysis that are saved in the database.
Mar, 02 2021 – Minor update
Daybook 3
- new version 1.5.6.
- improved Improved performance and stability.
Daybook Analysis
- new version 1.8.0.
- new New “Point Spread Function” analysis, to process ‘point-like object’ images.
- changed in algorithm with impact on results Complete refactor of the “Lateral resolution” analysis: new Lorentzian fitting, improved results accuracy and graphs quality.
- improved The “batch analysis” feature now uses the same parameters than the ones you have selected for unit analyses.
- improved Fixed issues and bugs.
- improved Updated and completed documentation.
Daybook Data Manager
- new version 1.5.6.
- changed Improved “monitoring” page.
- changed Improved “line chart” cards.
- improved Improved performance.
- improved Fixed issues and improved performance.
- improved Updated and completed documentation.
Daybook API*
- unchanged version 1.3.4.
* This API allows Daybook Data Manager to read the results of Daybook Analysis that are saved in the database.
Fev, 09 2021 – Minor update
Daybook 3
- new version 1.5.5.
- improved Improved performance and stability.
Daybook Analysis
- new version 1.7.2.
- new “Intensity response 2×16” and “Lateral resolution” analyses can be analyzed through the batch analysis feature.
- changed in algorithm with impact on results Complete refactor of the “Intensity response” analysis: the “Maximum intensity measurement of each ROI” is now automatically used, new approach to calculate the error bars and improved graphics display.
- changed in algorithm with impact on results Partial refactor of the “Lateral resolution” analysis: automatic calculations of the “interpolation factor” and of the “Gaussian fitting threshold level”.
- changed in algorithm with impact on results Partial refactor of the “Field uniformity” analysis: the “Maximum intensity measurement of each ROI” is now automatically used.
- changed Refactor of the “preferences” file: conversion from TXT to JSON, change of some variable names and improved organization.
- improved Fusion of the heat maps and their associated color bars in the saved results.
- improved Conversion of most of the PNG results images into JPEG images, in order to lighten the database.
- improved Fixed issues and bugs.
- improved Updated and completed documentation.
Daybook Data Manager
- new version 1.5.5.
- changed Modifications related to the improvement in Daybook Analysis.
- improved Fixed issues and improved performance.
- improved Updated and completed documentation.
Daybook API*
- unchanged version 1.3.4.
* This API allows Daybook Data Manager to read the results of Daybook Analysis that are saved in the database.
Dec, 15 2020 – Minor update
Daybook 3
- new version 1.5.4.
- new Trial images are now available from the menu in the launcher: download sets of images for Argo-HM, Argo-LM or Argo-POWERHM products.
- improved Improved update system: installation of a new version of Daybook now does not require to install the setup file. The software will directly be updated in the launcher.
- improved Update of the Electron library.
- improved Improved performance and stability.
Daybook Analysis
- new version 1.7.1.
- new New analysis available: “Accuracy of 3D reconstruction”, based on images from the “sphere” pattern.
- changed in algorithm with impact on results “Lateral resolution” analysis is now split into 4 analyses, one for each orientation (horizontal, vertical, ascending and descending).
- improved Improved the automatic mode of the “4×4 intensity response” analysis.
- improved Standardization of the results pages for all the analyses.
- improved Fixed issues and bugs.
- improved Updated and completed documentation.
Daybook Data Manager
- new version 1.5.4.
- new New icons for the new analyses.
- changed Improved ”Manage tests” window.
- improved Improved “Refresh data” functionality: more reliable and faster.
- improved Update of the Electron library.
- improved Improved global style and fixed style issues.
- improved Fixed issues and improved performance.
- improved Updated and completed documentation.
Daybook API*
- new version 1.3.4.
* This API allows Daybook Data Manager to read the results of Daybook Analysis that are saved in the database.
Nov, 12 2020 – Minor update
Daybook 3
- new version 1.5.3.
- new The security system of the database is now compatible with high security computer/network environment.
- improved Improved performance and stability.
Daybook Analysis
- new version 1.7.0.
- new The configuration (system/profile/channel) selected when saving to Data manager is now kept as record: the next saving window will select the latest configuration used.
- new Graphs can now be exported in JPEG.
- changed in algorithm with impact on results Line Spread Function analysis is now splitted into 2 tests: “Line Spread Function” and “Ring Spread Function”.
- improved Power-meter test. Possibility to reload the graph “power vs acquisition time” by uploading the CSV result file.
- improved Fixed issues and bugs.
- improved Updated and completed documentation.
Daybook Data Manager
- new version 1.5.3.
- new You can now create new systems from pre-created systems.
- new Display of default line charts containing the primary metrics of each analysis.
- changed The date picker is now more user-friendly.
- improved Improved global style and fixed style issues.
- improved Fixed issues and improved performance.
- improved Updated and completed documentation.
Daybook API*
- new version 1.3.3.
* This API allows Daybook Data Manager to read the results of Daybook Analysis that are saved in the database.
Sep, 8 2020 – Critical update
In Daybook Analysis, you will not be able to reload your results through the CSV result files. To reload your results, you will need to reprocess all your images and save the results. In Daybook Data Manager, you will need to delete all the Quality Points, reprocess all your images within Daybook Analysis and save the results in Daybook Data Manager. The good news is that you can keep your already-created systems and acquisition profiles within Daybook Data Manager. If you have processed a lot of analyses before and need support, please send us an email at and we will help you to update your database.
Daybook 3
- new version 1.5.2.
- improved Improved performance and stability.
Daybook Analysis
- new version 1.6.0.
- changed in algorithm with impact on results New non-normalized heat maps for the “Field distortion” and “Lateral co-registration accuracy” analyses.
- new New colors for the normalized and non-normalized heat maps.
- changed in algorithm with impact on results Improved non-normalized heat map for the “Field uniformity” analysis.
- improved Improved layout in the CSV result files.
- improved Fixed issues and bugs.
- improved Improved graphic user interface.
- improved Updated and completed documentation.
Daybook Data Manager
- new version 1.5.2.
- new Display of several “Lateral co-registration accuracy” analyses within the same QC timeline.
- new New tabs to switch between analyses in the QC timeline.
- new New confirmation windows when using forms and exiting the software.
- new New “Corresponding usual fluorophores” input (within the “Filter” section) including an almost exhaustive list of the existing fluorophores.
- improved Improved interfaces for the creation of “Acquisition profiles” and “Channels”.
- improved Improved “Results cards” with new information.
- improved Homogenized date format in the entire software.
- improved Improved global style and fixed style issues.
- improved Fixed issues and improved performance.
- improved Updated and completed documentation.
Daybook API*
- new version 1.3.2.
* This API allows Daybook Data Manager to read the results of Daybook Analysis that are saved in the database.
Apr, 13 2020 – Release of Daybook 3
Daybook 3
- new version 1.5.1.
- new New interface window, clearer and more user-friendly.
Daybook Analysis
- new version 1.5.1.
- new New relevant metrics: Field uniformity (field uniformity), Standard deviation of the vector magnitudes (field distortion), Lateral pixel size difference (field distortion), Pattern dynamic range (intensity response), Roll-off (spectral response).
- new Batch analysis feature: several images can now be analyzed in one go (only available within a Data Manager license).
- new File watcher feature: auto-upload files that are added to a specific directory.
- new Saving feature of the affine transformation parameters.
- improved The software meets almost all the guidelines of the recently published ISO 21073-2019 norm, about performance assessment of fluorescence confocal laser-scanning microscopes for biological imaging.
- changed in algorithm with impact on results Improvement of the precision and reliability of the algorithms within the tests “field uniformity”, “field distortion”, “lateral co-registration accuracy”, “lateral resolution”, “intensity response”.
- improved Updated and completed documentation.
Daybook Data Manager
- new version 1.5.1.
- new Automated filling of the forms (systems, acquisition profiles and channels): auto-populate fields thanks to proprietary files metadata.
- new New results card, containing all the results by test and by date.
- improved Improved and completed database.
- improved Updated and completed documentation.
- changed Rearranged forms (systems, acquisition profiles and channels).
- changed Rearrangement of the QC timeline, organized by test.
Daybook API*
- new version 1.3.0.
* This API allows Daybook Data Manager to read the results of Daybook Analysis that are saved in the database.
Oct, 15 2019 – Minor update
Daybook 2
- unchanged Current version 1.4.3.
Daybook Analysis
- new version 1.4.3.
- improved Fixed: reports generation for Argo-POWER.
- improved Change digit display for Argo-POWER (now 3 digits).
- changed Better error messages.
- changed Updated documentation.
- changed Changed: order of affine transformation parameters (a/b/c/d/tx/ty) + Fixed: Values of tx/ty are now correctly calculated.
Daybook Data Manager
- unchanged Current version 1.4.3.
Daybook API
- unchanged Current version 1.2.1.
Sep, 16 2019 – Critical update
Daybook 2
- new version 1.4.3.
- new New diagnosis tool to help you to check the software installation (in the “Help” section of the Daybook launcher window).
- new New migration system: converts automatically the previous name of metrics and analysis into the new name version. (Ex: lateral resolving power into lateral resolution)
- new New message for connection protocol (Ex: “A firewall is blocking the request…).
- new New cryptology system.
- improved Major improvements on the licence verification protocol. Detailed information about internet security in the software. Proxy can now be used: contact us to know more.
- changed The updates banner now stays until you close the software to install the update.
- changed The software framework (Electron) has been updated to the newest version.
Daybook Analysis
- new version 1.4.2.
- new New tables in the results page: they are now separated in “Primary metrics”, “Secondary metrics”, “Image metadata” & “Algorithm metadata” (we updated them in reports too).
- new Thanks to customers feedback, we added a new option to save your analysis to a custom date!
- improved Interface and general improvements (fixed: tooltips for Advanced parameters, corrected grammar and error messages).
- changed The documentation about Daybook Analysis has been updated with added details. Don’t forget to read them!
- changed Changed: buttons position for Lateral Stage drift during Z stacking.
- changed Changed: name of analysis: “Lateral resolving power” into “Lateral resolution”, “Field non-uniformity” into “Field uniformity” and “Lateral co-registration inaccuracy” into “Lateral co-registration accuracy” (and a lot of metrics name changes).
Daybook Data Manager
- new version 1.4.3.
- new New Quality Control Reports: you can now generate reports of several channels for one date!
- improved Major improvements of the Monitoring Report.
- changed Update of Daybook Data Manager documentation.
Daybook API
- new version 1.2.1.
Jun, 25 2019 – Critical update
Daybook 2
- new version 1.4.0.
- new New update system: updating software will be much more easy now!
- improved Major improvements of the stability and performance of the software.
Daybook Analysis
- new version 1.4.0.
- new New options in the upload window: you can now «Delete one file» and «Export as TIFF».
- new New trial images to test all the possibilities of the software.
- improved We created more explicit names of metrics and hierarchized them, make it more valuable.
- improved Major improvements in the documentation and the software’s usability.
- improved Improvements in «Lateral resolving power & SNR» algorithms.
- changed «Illumination inhomogeneity» & «Lateral Chromatic Shifts» have been renamed in «Field non-uniformity» & «Lateral co-registration inaccuracy».
Daybook Data Manager
- new version 1.4.0.
- new New system to generate PDF reports!
- new New documentation has been created!
- improved Major improvements of the usability and stability of the software.
Daybook API
- new version 1.2.0.
May, 14 2019 – Minor update
Daybook 2
- new version 1.3.2.
Daybook Analysis
- new version 1.3.8.
- new A new and simplified launching interface, without advanced parameters.
- changed in algorithm with impact on results Major improvements of the algorithm of “Line Spread Function” and “Field Distortion” analysis.
- improved Many improvements and corrections of the software’s interface (grammar, width and position of items..).
- changed “Lateral Resolving Power” analysis now contains a measurement of SNR, so that complete characterization in terms of “resolving power”, “contrast” and “SNR” is achieved.
Daybook Data Manager
- new version 1.3.4.
- new New feature: add one or many impact point(s) on your timeline.
- new You can now duplicate your system.
- new You can now “save as…” your cards.
- improved Many bug fix and UX/UI improvements.
- changed Better tooltip and error messages to help users fix their issues.
- changed Thanks to Joachim for his feedback on the image cards ! The image is now correctly set by channels.
Daybook API
- unchanged version 1.0.1.
Feb, 7 2019 – Minor update
Daybook 2
- new version 1.3.0.
- new We’ve improved the log system, we’re more efficient when we know what’s going on when the application crashes. You will now be able to send us your logs if a problem has occured, to ease the troubleshooting. The logs are in the installation folder: “render.log”, “main.log”, “app.log”, “module.log”.
Daybook Analysis
- unchanged version 1.3.7
Daybook Data Manager
- new version 1.3.0.
- new We’ve worked hard to offer you a new display system on the Monitoring page. It is based on “cards”: charts were available, you can now also display tables and images.
- new You can even zoom in your images!
- improved You will now see how many microscopes are included in your license.
- improved We’ve fixed some bugs for a better user experience.
Daybook API
- new version 1.0.1.
Jan, 9 2019 – Minor update
Daybook 2
- new version 1.2.5.
- improved Fixed bugs due to internet connection and to your computer’s ethernet/wifi card.
- changed You will need to enter your license key again.
Daybook Analysis
- unchanged version 1.3.7
Daybook Data Manager
- new version 1.2.7.
- improved Fixed bug on reports creation.
- improved Fixed and improved data display on reports.
- improved Improved loading speed (The Flash is now jealous).
- improved Improved quality points system: a more logical and good-looking timeline.
Daybook API
- unchanged version 1.0.0
Nov, 20 2018 – Release of Daybook 2
Daybook 2
- new version 1.2.1.