High-Content Screening, 
High-Throughput Screening calibration* microplates for
microplate imagers


Argolight calibration* microplates are designed to be used with fluorescence or multimode microplate readers for high-content screening (HCS), high-content analysis (HCA) or high-throughput screening (HTS).

You can use the products for troubleshooting, proactive maintenance, preventive maintenance or predictive maintenance. From a compliance point of view, you can also include them in installation qualification (IQ), operational qualification (OQ) as well as performance qualification (PQ) protocols.

These products act like calibration standards: they provide reference fluorescent patterns with stable and precise features.

Draw of a person with a clock beside a microscope

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Calibration microplates for microplate imagers

List of products (click on pictures for more details)

Image of Argo-WP (Fluorescent calibration microplate) for plate readers and plate imagers

Fluorescent calibration* microplate for microplate imagers

Custom Microplate

Custom fluorescent calibration* microplate
(OEM and single product)

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